Opening Time: 6am
Assembly : 7.45am
Closing time: 2.30pm
Parents pick of time for ward: 2.30pm-3:30pm
Evening section continues till 6pm
Break time:
Nursery classes is 10:30 to 11:30
Primary section
11:30 to 12noon
Daily Prayer
Prayer at Assembly: 7.45am
Angelus: 12.00pm
Closing Prayer: 2.30pm
Daily Appearance
School Uniform: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Sport Wear: Wednesday
Outing wear: Friday.
- Lateness is a great offence,Student must be in school on or before 7.30am.
-No Visitation of parents to child except at break periods and on permission from the school management.
- Prayer time are compulsory for all pupils.
- Time for picking up of wards must strikingly be adhered to.